Friday, February 24, 2012

I came across this website dme and thought


February 7, 2011 12:16 am

Emphysema is a serious disease in which the tiny air sacs (alveoli) in lungs damaged and lose their elasticity. The damage develops slowly, as cigarette smoke causes the body to overproduction of enzymes known as proteases. These enzymes destroy the delicate and fragile fabrics alveoli. These tiny compartments become unnaturally enlarged and lung elasticity is lost. Pockets of dead air form in the damaged area and light are unable to expand and shrink fine, and breathing becomes anabolics At the same time, the patient gradually growing weaker. First, they may have only minimal shortness of breath. Ultimately, however, the patient is unable to attempt even minor physical activity, and ultimately depends on the administration of oxygen, even at rest. I came across this website DME and thought it was very good explanation. I never heard that cigarettes lasix 15 mg cause body overproduction protease enzymes is that damages the alveoli. IP:.

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