Friday, February 24, 2012

Other forms of cancer affecting the bone ...

Many health problems can increase your chances of getting osteoporosis. Ask your doctor if you have a disease or condition that can lead to bone loss. If you do, it is important to take steps to keep your bones healthy. In some cases, when you consider health problems that cause bone loss, you can improve your bone health. Here are some examples of diseases and conditions that may lead to bone loss. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA). RA is a form of arthritis that is associated with increased risk of osteoporosis. Steroid drugs used to treat this as well as the state itself may increase the risk of osteoporosis. Many people confuse osteoporosis and osteoarthritis

(OA). Osteoarthritis is just one of many diseases that affect the joints and surrounding tissues, but it does not cause bone loss. Lupus. People who suffer from lupus may have to take medications, including steroids to control their symptoms. These drugs can cause bone loss and osteoporosis. Celiac disease. People with celiac disease have problems with digestion products with gluten. Gluten found in wheat, rye and barley. People with celiac disease have trouble absorbing nutrients, including calcium and vitamin D. Celiac disease does not always cause noticeable symptoms. Ask your doctor if you should be testing for celiac disease. Inflammatory bowel disease (RBC). Different forms of IBD, such as Crohn's disease

and ulcerative colitis can lead to bone loss. People with IBD often steroid drugs to treat these conditions. People with inflammatory bowel diseases may also have trouble absorbing calcium and vitamin D needed for bone health. Weight Loss Surgery. Weight loss procedures like gastric bypass surgery can help people lose a lot of weight in a short period of time. This weight loss can lead to bone loss. These procedures may also interfere with the ability to absorb overalls vitamins and minerals needed for healthy bones. Diabetes. People with diabetes are at increased risk of osteoporosis. While type 1 diabetes seems to cause the greatest amount of bone loss in people of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes have an increased risk of violation of the bones. Hyperparathyroidism is a condition in which the parathyroid glands (two pairs of small glands located behind the thyroid gland in the neck) produce too much parathyroid hormone (PTH). The presence of too much PTH causes bone loss. This condition is more common in women after menopause. A simple blood test can tell your doctor if this is a problem. Hyperthyroidism. People with this disease thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone. This can lead to weak muscles and fragile bones. Loss of bone mass can occur if a person takes too much thyroid hormone medication for thyroid cancer. Absence of periods. If you are a young woman and I do not have regular periods, you may have low estrogen levels. There could be many reasons for this, such as exercise too much or are so small that you are too thin. Other causes of irregular periods may include violations of the ovaries and pituitary gland. Loss of estrogen and extreme cattle can damage bones and affects other body systems. Young women who do not have regular periods should talk to your doctor about your bone health. The level of testosterone. In men, testosterone protects bones. Very low levels of testosterone suggests that there is underlying disease that should be rated. The level of estrogen in men are also important. Low levels of these hormones can lead to bone loss. Several factors can lead to levels be low, such as eating disorder, or drinking too much alcohol. A blood test can tell you if your hormone levels are normal. Leukemia and lymphoma. Many drugs, including chemotherapy used to treat these cancers can cause bone loss and osteoporosis. Multiple myeloma. Multiple myeloma is a cancer of the bone marrow. The first symptoms may be back pain and broken bones in the lasix 40 mg spine. Blood and urine tests can detect the problem. Other forms of cancer affecting the bone and bone marrow also can lead to bone fractures. Sickle cell anemia. People with sickle cell anemia may have to take medications, including steroids to control their symptoms. These drugs can cause bone loss and osteoporosis. Stroke, Parkinson's disease

and multiple sclerosis (MS) to reduce mobility. People with such conditions is likely to be inactive, fall and have low vitamin D levels. Many health problems, including genetic diseases and diseases of the kidneys, lungs and digestive system can cause osteoporosis and bone fractures. Here are some other common causes of bone loss. For a more complete list, see. the next section >> << diseases and conditions can cause bone loss. Breast Cancer. Aromatase inhibitors are commonly used to treat women with estrogen sensitive breast cancer. Because these drugs reduce the amount of estrogen in the body, they can lead to bone loss and fractures. Depression. Studies show that people suffering from depression is more likely to have low bone density or osteoporosis. This relationship is probably due to several factors, including the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) drugs. Additional research will help us better understand the relationship between depression and osteoporosis. Eating Disorders. In women with anorexia nervosa, estrogen levels drop to such an extent that menstruation or become irregular or stop. This drop in estrogen levels can lead to bone loss and osteoporosis. In addition to causing low levels of estrogen, anorexia nervosa and

other eating disorders can lead to bone loss in women and men for other complex reasons. Organ transplantation. People who have transplants must take drugs to prevent their bodies reject their new organs. Some of these drugs can weaken bones. Prostate cancer.anabolic steroids statistics Androgen therapy is widely used to treat men with prostate cancer. Because these drugs reduce the number of male sex hormones in the body, they can lead to bone loss and fractures. This list includes many diseases and conditions that may lead to bone loss and osteoporosis. If you have one of these health problems, consult your doctor if you should have a bone density test. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) including emphysema

Eating Disorders, particularly anorexia nervosa

athlete triad (including loss of menstruation, eating disorders and excessive exercise)

Inflammatory diseases intestine, including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis

liver disease that is severe, including biliary cirrhosis, malabsorption syndromes

, including celiac disease

Malnutrition, including malnutrition

Note: This list may not include all diseases and conditions that may lead to bone loss. .

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