Friday, February 24, 2012

Like all diseases, the symptoms just ...

Immune system, autoimmune disease and immunodeficiency

immune system such as autoimmune diseases, immunodeficiency, and allergy is much more common in big cities among upper middle class and among people who have a historical period in their lives, which included "luxury life", which means extensive use of recreational drugs, especially stimulants. On the other hand, problems of the immune system is much less known in developing countries, and in these countries, a propertied classes who suffer these problems. As cliche as it is, so to speak, nevertheless true that the peasant classes tend to be more healthy than the order lasix strata of the urban population, and is now well known that the leading tribal peoples and prehistoric ancestors were much healthier civilized than the people who replace them. The problems of the immune system, immunodeficiencies and autoimmune disorders all relate to the situation and symptoms, in which the body's immune system is believed to be operating correctly. * Where the body is not properly displayed (including immune deficiency *, where the body reacts to normal matter and toxins (allergy) or

* where the body is believed to "attack" her own (autoimmune disorders .. ) Immune problems only recently appeared in the books on the history of those who suffered, historically, were all without exception noble class: very rich, delicate, people who did not get there in the "real world" and dirty hands. They were sensitive , weak people who need to receive "treatment" in a better climate, or seek special concern for the "nervous." Try to imagine a hungry child in Africa, saying: "No, thanks, I'm allergic to that."

Such violations are increasingly during the nineteenth century as the middle class has expanded worldwide, working on the wealth of the industrial revolution. Indeed, modern medical industry in its present form emerged in step with and fully financial benefit of the middle class. As it turned out,

immune system, as we understand it does not actually exist. immune system theory is just a few decades, and only theory based on a number of hypotheses, many of which were contested or support theory. immune system is considered as a number of defense systems, as soldiers, "attack" incoming "invaders."

disadvantage of this concept is that attacking the invaders. There's no such thing. Cancer cells and microbes and toxins not "try" to get into our bodies that cause us pain. concept is simply a modern version of age belief in the power of evil spirits and demons of obsession as the cause of the disease. brain directs our body inflate or produce more of certain types of tissues (eg, white blood 'wooden cells) or ramp our metabolism, to give us fever.

And if it were included invaders that "made" our bodies do, then everything would be allergic to the same thing, it would get the same infections and diseases just joining contact with the same germs as each other. Which, as we all know, not what actually happens. autoimmune disease, immunodeficiency and other immune system problems, like all diseases that

People who suffer from autoimmune disorders may be worried about allergens, viruses, the number of T cells, toxins, etc., but small parts violations and not the causes and mechanisms. As with all disease symptoms only brain -mediated reaction to the environment. reason that immune problems are much more common among the wealthy, more educated people, so that the middle class is usually much more

afraid of their surroundings. This is probably because more educated people more likely to have sedentary lifestyles and sedentary jobs, looking at the world through a window or on your TV or computer monitor or reading about the dangers of the world in a magazine or newspaper. This simple fact of nature that, when any creature, not so many opportunities to hone their physical skills, he loses these skills or not to develop them first. nobility have long felt that life goes on "man against nature," and desire for power really just need to manage our surroundings and experiences.

increasing immune system
When we strive for wealth and power, we are committed to the attributes of urban life, we strive to alleged security controlled existence. specific symptoms of various immunodeficiency and autoimmune disorders almost always or symptoms. New German practice of medicine can look at healing symptoms and immediately track them back to the empirical reasons, through the brain, according to biological laws. When people live with chronic subliminal fear or distrust others of their world, they are going to do two things .. First, they will live with a slight modification Second, they will develop phobias about certain aspects of the environment If you feel that your body is mechanically or chemically controlled environment you live in. chronic state of fear human environment components of this philosophy of life

trying to control the environment instead solving real problems - that all experience causing disease and recovery process in the first place. Because the cause of the symptoms correctly, people with immune system problems begin

respond to their own reactions, and then put the blame on any aspect of their physical environment has recently been outside their control. In fact, the immune deficiency and autoimmune disorders is just a vicious cycle, as passions or phobias, which treat symptoms become chronic illnesses to run the process, simply because that person is unable or unwilling to solve real fundamental basis of experience. Thus, it is best to start with healing the problems of the immune system such as autoimmune diseases, immunodeficiency, allergy, and so on is back to square one, and understand how the body works to your environment, first. Look on symptoms and track their experience of conflict that cause these kinds of experiences. Going autoimmune disorders, problems of failure of the immune system to "do his job" just does not work. It takes those who can afford it a lot of time and effort to cope with their symptoms based on this approach, several schemes and treatment methods and technology, special food research. This is only a partial and temporary fixes, not real solutions. lot of money spent, and cures remain unknown and at best , just manage the symptoms. All diseases of the brain-mediated response to experience that person had. brain coordinates the healing responses. brain creates symptoms in the body because the brain controls every system of the body, tissues, organs, and metabolism so that the same person make it an autoimmune disorder, immune deficiency problems, allergies or that person should do what it has to do with any disease.?

This does not mean that it will be easy to do. People are prone to so-called problem of immune system in early life through their education and outlook, they develop at an early experience of life. Then we get feedback from our own symptoms, leading to new symptoms and all these complicated every year. And of course, when We have a sign, we often have slightly different symptoms. This is why most autoimmune disorders, immune deficiency problems and other diseases associated with misunderstood "immune system" is actually just a collection

- symptoms occur together. Is the decision, yet less.

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