Friday, February 24, 2012

With the exception stacks)

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# buybutton {

field shadow: 2px 4px 6px # 000;

Von: RGB (210,255,82); / * old browsers * /

/ * IE9 SVG, to redefine conventional "filter" to "none" * /


background:-Health radial gradients (in the center of the ellipse, lids, RGBA (210,255,82,1) 0%, RGBA (145,232,66,1) 100%); / * FF3. 6 + * /

background:-WebKit-gradient (radial, center center, 0px, center center, 100%, color-stop (0%, RGBA (210,255,82,1)), color-stop (100 %, RGBA (145,232,66,1))) / * Chrome, Safari4 + * /

background:-WebKit-radial gradient (in the center of the ellipse, lids, RGBA (210,255,82,1) 0%, RGBA (145,232,66,1) 100%); / * Chrome10 +, Safari5. 1 + * /

background:-o-radial gradients (in the center of the ellipse, lids, RGBA (210,255,82,1) 0%, RGBA (145,232,66,1) 100%) / * Opera 12 + * /

background:-MS-radial gradients (in the center of the ellipse, lids, RGBA (210,255,82,1) 0%, RGBA (145,232,66,1) 100%) / * + * IE10 /

Background: radial gradients (in the center of the buy lasix 40 mg ellipse, lids, RGBA (210,255,82,1) 0%, RGBA (145,232,66,1) 100%); / * W3C * /

filter: ProgID: DXImageTransform. Microsoft. gradient (startColorstr = '# d2ff52, endColorstr =' # 91e842, GradientType = 1); / * IE6-8 back to the horizontal gradient * /

color: # 000;

border: groove;

border radius: 10px;

padding: 15px;

font: bold;

text-transform: uppercase;

text-decoration: none;}

# buybutton: when you hover {

Font size: more than;

background color: # 0F0;}

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